A walk about Pa…

A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of Life.
Thomas Jefferson

Though I haven’t posted in a while, I’ll keep this one short.

I have not read a truer or more concise statement about Paris yet. Walking around Paris really does give this sentiment validation. There is history everywhere and of course unrivaled beauty pouring out of every building, metro stop and boulangerie, but the real things one learns from Paris are about life.

Do you agree? Are there any cities that speak to you, that you’ve learned from?

Quotation Sunday

“Try to list the endless reasons why it’s good to be alive, and then just smile for awhile about them.”

Paul Baribeau


Hey Internet peoples!

Please do this! I follow a blogger who posts every so often about good things about her day. It’s a nice reflection exercise that focuses on the positive points of her day, even if there were more negative events. They don’t even have to be that significant. Many times, items in her list are things like “took a walk outside” or “got some coffee with friends”. You don’t have to go big or go home. I think this is an attitude that we all have. Something has to be exceptional to be considered a good thing that happened to you, but I think that the best moments are the small ones.

Sublime moments are what get us through this life. Some days, the best thing that happens to me is I get a chance to sit by the window and read for an hour. I could literally not see another human the entire day and still feel fulfilled because I did something that made me happy.

So, basically what I’m getting at is pay attention to the details. Reflect on the things in your day that made you happy, or even smile. Write them down if you have the chance. The moments will practically write themselves on the paper; it’s that easy. You’ll find that there were a lot of moments that made you feel great, like watching a leaf float down from a branch, or catching the bus on time without needing to run. Maybe you ate a great sandwich or rang your mom on the phone (they love that). Maybe you got an A on a hard assignment or got a promotion! Nothing is too big or too small!

Go nuts everybody! X,



Quotation Sunday

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”
E. E. Cummings

Never go a day without laughing. Laughing is truly the best medicine for many, many little aches from the day. If you can, laugh it off, shrug it off, have some chocolate. De-stress yourself by watching something funny on YouTube or reading a book you find funny.

Fake it til you make it. If you can’t find a way to laugh -impossible! -force yourself to laugh. You will sound so ridiculous to yourself that you will really laugh. Then you will laugh at yourself for laughing for real, and the circle perpetuates itself until you feel better or someone catches you being crazy.

Worst comes to worst, just talk to yourself in the mirror. This really works in making yourself feel like the goofiest person on the planet. Seriously, there is no one else out there who is as nuts as you (probably) because you are talking to your reflection as if they are a real person. Unless…is that just me? Please say it isn’t.

I digress. JUST LAUGH. Loosen up and let yourself be open to a bit of silliness and giggles. Your heart will feel lighter, and your day brighter.



Quotation Sunday

“Time is a wonderful teacher; unfortunately, it kills all its pupils.”

Hector Berlioz

How wonderful! But I’m really not kidding. I saw this and for a few seconds I couldn’t think of anything except that I wanted to share this with friends (not that any friends follow me on WordPress, but hellooooo internet people). The bitter truth in this quotation isn’t hidden by the humor. Instead, that absurd bluntness gives it the real slice of life-pie that it is. Such a cool sentiment, even if it is a bit morbid.

Quotation Sunday

“Let’s get loose

Let’s drown in the delicious
Ambiance of


I came across this today, and I think that it’s totally great. I don’t always enjoy explaining how I interpret things to other people, because it can be a little pedantic. So interpret away! It’s amazing how some people can put together words so simply yet have it mean something so deeply.